Zach Elizabeth and Wyatt

Zach Elizabeth and Wyatt
Checking out the new baby brother

Friday, February 8, 2013


So I'm not sure how many of you have worked retail before but when the season change price changes drop its ridiculous!

So our work week starts on Saturdays and I work every Saturday. Well the massive amounts of price changes dropped on Monday (my day off) and so I came in on Tuesday with just under 5000 price changes in my two departments agghhh....then each day a couple hundred kept dropping....So anyhow there is a point to this story I promise.....So yesterday I went in to work at 8am and still had right about 2000 price changes left and I had to get them done before I went home. Well I got them done and I left at 2am....Yup thats right I had to work an 18hour shift.....Then I come home and by the time I get out to my car and make the commute home and lay down in bed its almost 3am and then my poor sweet baby boy is sick and he woke up with a 102.6 fever and I finally get to lay down and sleep about 4am just in time for wyatt to wake back up around 6am...thankfully my husband got up with him....I rolled out of bed at 930am and basically layed in the recliner with Wyatt all day long....He is still feeling pretty cruddy but he is in his own bed right now and well Im able to have some alone time....

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