Zach Elizabeth and Wyatt

Zach Elizabeth and Wyatt
Checking out the new baby brother

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sick Bay

So Monday night my youngest Elizabeth started puking the moment I walked through the door from work and didn't stop until about 3 am. Then today I get that dreadful call halfway through the work day "Hi Jessica Zach is not feeling so good he hasn't been able to hold anything down and is running a slight fever" luckily its just my sister in law and she can keep him until dad picks him up. So I'm thinking how the heck am I supposed to get anything done when my 4 1/2 year old is only going to want mommy and no one else. So i get home a little after 6 and my husband is now in the bathroom puking his guts out my 4 year old is sitting on the couch with a big bowl puking and my youngest is sitting by the bathroom door screaming her head off at daddy because he is ignoring her......I am actually looking forward to going to work tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. You poor thing! I cannot imagine. I hope you get a break soon or at least that everyone is well soon!!
