Zach Elizabeth and Wyatt

Zach Elizabeth and Wyatt
Checking out the new baby brother

Sunday, March 28, 2010


So Daniel goes back to work today and i thought oh i will be a nice wife and make his favorite for dinner tonight! Chicken! Well apparently he was thinking the same thing because he texted me and said hey i hope you don't have dinner plans already cause im going to BBQ some chicken.

OK no big deal i will just make everything else that goes with dinner and let him cook the chicken. (I don't BBQ at all) So its about 645 and he calls me hey so whats for dinner? I thought to myself seriously? and so I said you just texted me 2 hours ago saying you were going to BBQ. Oh well then I remembered we were out of propane. And i said ok well i wish you would have told me so that i could have started dinner! So I start dinner at 645 in the evening we finally sit down at the dinner table at 815 and i give the kids a bath as they were falling asleep in the tub and put them down to bed! I still need to get the potatoes out of my hair and clean my kitchen and its already 940 ugh

sick bay-update

Well Daniel finally went back to work today and he is feeling much better how ever I got sick Friday at work. I work at a credit union and as a loan officer. I am sitting there with members at my desk and no joke i almost puke all over my desk. I ask them if they could wait just a while i excuss myself to run to the bathroom and puke im thinking to myself how and the heck am i supposed to keep working like i sit back down at my desk smile and say sorry it must of been something i ate. I managed to sit through the rest of the loan funding without excussing myself again and went home. I live about 30min away from my work and have to drive the freeway. I managed to only stop 3 times on my way home and once more in Brownsville before i picked up Lizzie.

So i pick up Liz and Mandy (my sister in law) and their little girl now have said stomach flu, younger brother now has said stomach poor kids started and epidemic!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


This is the term my 4 year old just gave mAlign Centere for pooping his pants..... I was just finishing my previous post when Zach comes in
Zach: mom i have a poop-fart.
Poop-fart? What is that anyhow?
Me: I said ok what happened?
Zach:Well i tried to fart and poop came out and then i sat in it.
Me: Ok well lets go in to the bathroom and get you cleaned up.
Zach: Eww mom look its all over me get it off
Me: Zach hold still or its going to get all over the place.
Zach: thanks mom for cleaning my poop off my butt. your a great mom!

Its ok you just had a baby!

I think i completely hate that quote! So when I got pregnant with my son I weighed 150lbs. I gained 32lbs in pregnancy and the day I left the hospital i weighed 157lbs. When I got pregnant with my daughter i weighed 189lbs and gained 23lbs with her and now 18 months later I weigh 225.

Ok so yes I have put on more weight since I have had her and that is my fault and I take full responsiblity for that. I know I don't eat right I do not exercise at all unless you count walking from my desk to the printer at work is exercise.????

Any how there is a point to this blog I was at work today and someone asked me if I was still drinking those meal supplement drinks everyday ( i was doing so good i was down to 198lbs about a year ago and then i had my head surgery and gained it all back plus some) i laughed and said do i look like it......and she said oh you look just fine you just had a baby. I just looked at like are you kidding me? I said lizzie is 18months old now i hardly just had her. coworker "well its always hard to lose baby weight on the second child: (mind you she has no children to know from experience) i just looked at her and smiled politley and said well thank you and no i dont drink those anymore.

Sick Bay

So Monday night my youngest Elizabeth started puking the moment I walked through the door from work and didn't stop until about 3 am. Then today I get that dreadful call halfway through the work day "Hi Jessica Zach is not feeling so good he hasn't been able to hold anything down and is running a slight fever" luckily its just my sister in law and she can keep him until dad picks him up. So I'm thinking how the heck am I supposed to get anything done when my 4 1/2 year old is only going to want mommy and no one else. So i get home a little after 6 and my husband is now in the bathroom puking his guts out my 4 year old is sitting on the couch with a big bowl puking and my youngest is sitting by the bathroom door screaming her head off at daddy because he is ignoring her......I am actually looking forward to going to work tomorrow!